The pro totalitarian United Nations is meeting in Dubai to decide what to do with the internet, as if it would be their attribute.
Iran and China are bringing concrete proposals to stop all content that speaks for freedom.
The rest of the nations come with a folder of more than 1,300 brilliant ideas, many to limit our right to free expression, others to force us to pay for content that is currently free.
The meeting, in which the 193 countries of the International Telecommunications Union will participate, can change our lives in unprecedented ways, because most of them are not democratic. (Their last meeting took place in 1988. Then there was no internet).
Fortunately, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and other big guys from the cloud, will be there as observers to protect our individual rights.
Some proposals are positive, as those related to spam, fraud, unsolicited publicity, hacking, privacy; those issues will be presented by the democratic members of the UN.
Apparently, all subjects will be discussed, but as the UN is a political entity and the interests of those who govern are primordial, the self determination of millions is at stake.
Engineers, programmers, IT technicians, web designers, and countless professionals depend on what China, Iran, Cuba, Syria, Egypt, and other devotees of repression will decide.
Dictators are afraid of words, because that is the only power that is at everybody’s reach.
The only peaceful way by which we, the regular citizens, can counteract against gubernatorial excesses is through our voice. To deprive us of that right is to remove our quality of being human, as what differentiates us from the beasts is our ability to think and communicate intelligently.
Contradictions at the meeting are stupefying. We are in the Information Age, but we have the Arabs and neo-communist with the same influential vote.
The consequences of this reunion can be apocalyptical, as the majority of the participants are against free expression and they wish to vote for global censorship on the internet.
Just the fact, that the meeting is taking place in the United Arab Emirates, shows the dominant trend. In preparation for the event the UAE restricted access to the internet to avoid criticism against its government and suppress calls for street riots.
Taking into account the usual filth that comes out of the UN, from this party can sprout pure manure.
We must be alert to these guys who want to get into our phones.
We must remember that the UN was established on the Declaration of Human Rights, which is unalterable. According to it, no one can restrict our right to free expression. Therefore, why is this subject under scrutiny when the real issue should be the restrictions to free expression in China, the Arab countries and Latin America?
The fact that the Arabs and neo-communists are a majority in that sewer called the United Nations, does not give them authority to run or delimit our lives. It should be the other way around; it is time for them to abide to the principles and purposes that the UN was created for.
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